Sunday, February 21, 2010

A great tip using any sprouting tray

Today is Sunday, Feb 21st.

When I first started sprouting, and I began using those round green trays, with the green covers, well, while I was successful, and the sprouts grew tall and green, when I dumped them over into a bowl, there was the ROOTS, and they were all clumped and THIS WAS NOT APPEALING whatsoever. So I used to cut off the sprouts and thow away everything else.

Now how much is lost doing this!!! So I began listening to the people on the sproutpeople message boards and I finally figured out that you DON'T HAVE TO HAVE THE SPROUTS STANDING STRAIGHT UP.

You can still use the bottom sprouting trays, but when you are doing the rinsing and draining bit, just swish, swish, swish, and in a few days, you will have A TRAY FILLED WITH SPROUTS (kind of like what happens in the mason jars), but they won't be clumped together. They will have all sprouted nice and plump, and by swishing and swishing, (this is during the rinsing period, when I just immerse the sprout tray in a big bowl of water, and the water fills up in the tray, and I take my fingers and just swish swish swish), well, the sprouts get their drink, and then I simply lift up the tray, set it to drain on my dish rack, and when the water is sufficiently out of the tray, simply put the tray and it's cover right back on my shelf.

You have no idea how simple this little trick is. It makes sprouting ever so much easier and more fun. I have completely eliminated the mason jars, and tilting and tapping and I have eliminated the need to bring the trays over to the sink and open the faucet and holding the trays under the water.

Simply fill a big bowl with water, place the sprouting tray inside this bowl, take your hands, swish swish, and lift out the sprouting tray.

What on earth could be simpler??

The sprouts love this.

I'll post some tips on greening at a later date.


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