Saturday, April 3, 2010

I tried the cabbage sprouting seeds

Well, we are now in April. I've been sprouting my usual stuff and I added a bit of cabbage to them. I say a bit, because the first day I added a lot, and WOW, the hot taste was too much.

So now I know to add just a half teaspoon to my soaking seeds. I use a teaspoon of all the other microgreen seeds, like alfalfa, fenugreek, broccoli, radish.

the blend is awesome.

Oh, I found a great way to save time, when taking out the seeds to soak. I make little packages in small ziplock bags. Very small ones. I take whatever seeds I wish, put them all together in the little bags, put a twist tie, and made about 10 of them.

So whenever I wish to start a new batch, I don't have to take out the 5 lb can of this and the 5 lb can of that, and have all these cans of seeds on my counter tops. All the work was done, and I just grab a little bag, pour into the mason jar, add some water, rinse and drain, then fill the water to the half way mark, soak over night and then I start sprouting.

This is a great tip, believe me.

Take care, Melody

Thursday, March 18, 2010

sprouts are doing great

Today is March 18. Going to meet up with buddies tonight at the Neuropathy Support Groups meeting.

I grew so many sprouts, I put them all in ziplock bags and they are in my fridge. Still sprouting but much slower. And after a few days, all I have to do is give them a drink of water, put them in my salad spinner, and put them out to dry for a few hours.

It wakes them up and it's like a big new bunch of sprouts.

I love sprouting BIG bunches. It frees up more time, and I can eat sprouts at each meal.

For breakfast I just put them on an egg white sandwich. Doing this for a year now.

I love them this way.

And with the addition of cabbage sprouts, well it's a little zing to the taste buds.

Hope all of you are well.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

I am now sprouitng cabbage

Well, my sprouts turned out lovely. They are on my kitchen shelf and they plumped up beautifully. Tonight, in my salad, I had alfalfa, radish, fenugreek, broccoli and cabbage sprouts. I haven't used any kind of lettuce in over a year. What savings!!

This is a great way to get anti-oxidants into one's body. And because I'm diabetic, this is HEALTHY, as well as SUPER NUTRITIOUS. Remember, sprouts are a SUPER FOOD.

Hope all of you are eating healthy.

Take care,


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I found a new Green channel

Hi All.

Well, imagine my surprise when I found out that there is a Planet Green Channel. I discovered it a few days ago. Emeril has his own show called Emeril Green. I have Directv and it's on channel 286. My friend watches this channel and she was all excited and phoned me and said "Melody, there is a lady on tv and she's showing how to sprout!!!"

This happened after the segment was over, but they might re-run that particular episode. So if any of you are GREEN people, just go to and you'll get all sorts of environment tips and Green Tips and vegetarian recipes and ways to GO GREEN, if that is your desire.

What we should ALL be doing is getting all that processed crap out of our diets. No more fast foods, no red meat, just lean protein, and eat a plant based diet.

Especially for us diabetics. Can't stress this enough.

Eat well, and your body will love you. Eat BAD, and your body will pay the price.

It will feel sluggish, you won't have any energy, you won't want to do ANYTHING.

I, myself, found a great resource for energy (and it kicked my diabetic neuropathy to the curb).

It's called Methyl B-12. It's the form of B-12 that our bodies convert from regular B-12.

If you go to the store and pick up a bottle of B-12, take a look at the form it is in.


If you take this, your body will then convert it to METHYLCOBALIMIN (which is exactly what the body needs). This form of B-12 replenishes the cells in our bodies and gives us energy. Kind of like what our life force should be like.

I started with 1000 sublingually each morning (the week I was diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy). I knew immediately what I had to do. I go on a website called NEUROTALKS. And I viewed the forums, both Neuropathy and Diabetic forums. They have MANY MANY VARIOUS FORUMS.

I learned about Methyl B-12. I applied what I learned, I learned how to manage my blood sugar, and the rest is history.

I'm much better for eating the way I eat.

There isn't a doctor on this planet that will tell you "Nutrition is all important"

The doctors say "Take this pill, or take that pill".

Pharmaceutical companies are behind this.

We don't have to be medication dependent for the rest of our lives.

We CAN take control of our health.

So eat lots of sprouts and blackberries, and small amounts of lean protein. 4 oz on a plate.

Eat a plant based diet (with Olive Oil).

Oh, and take a look at that bottle of vegetable oil in your cabinet.

Look at the ingredient. Want to know what vegetable oil actually is?


Now if you are a female over the age of 45 and if you have ever had fibroid tumors, and as you know, they shrink after menopause, WELL, DID YOU KNOW THAT EATING SOY, will UN SHRINK THEM.

Stay away from Vegetable Oil. And corn oil is inflammatory.

Use Olive Oil, or Canola Oil, or Safflower or Sunflower Oil for your stir-frying.

I put Extra Virgin Oil (just a spash), on my sprout salads.

I then add a bit of Apple cider vinegar.

It's great for diabetes.

So that's my tip for this week.

Happy sprouting.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

I just purchased some new sprouting seeds

Well, I went to one of my favorite organic sprouting website, and I purchased my seeds. I usually purchase the Radish, Fenugreek and, at times, the lentil.

I have enough lentils so I did some research and I said to myself "what new kind of seed should I purchase?" I went on youtube and while I was watching a video of Broccosprouts, the man in the video explained HOW HEALTHY AND FULL OF ANTI-OXIDANTS Cabbage sprouts were. Also much easier to digest than regular cabbage because THEY ARE SPROUTED.

So I purchased the Cabbage sprouts. I bought some broccoli sprouts from They give the best deal on those fabulous broccoli sprouting seeds.

So when I get my packages, I shall make up a mix of broccoli, cabbage, alfalfa (I had already purchased these seeds in my last batch). To this I shall add some radish, and I'll have a nice salad blend.

I don't sprout these with Fenugreek. I do the Fenugreek separately because during the rinsing and draining cycle, Fenugreek has this foamy thing going on and you have to rinse rinse rinse and the water gets orangy. It's much simpler to do the Fenugeek separately.

So when I sprout the cabbage mixture, I'll make a video of one of my sprout salads and you'll get to see HOW HEALTHY I EAT AND HOW GOOD IT LOOKS.

Bye for now.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

A great tip using any sprouting tray

Today is Sunday, Feb 21st.

When I first started sprouting, and I began using those round green trays, with the green covers, well, while I was successful, and the sprouts grew tall and green, when I dumped them over into a bowl, there was the ROOTS, and they were all clumped and THIS WAS NOT APPEALING whatsoever. So I used to cut off the sprouts and thow away everything else.

Now how much is lost doing this!!! So I began listening to the people on the sproutpeople message boards and I finally figured out that you DON'T HAVE TO HAVE THE SPROUTS STANDING STRAIGHT UP.

You can still use the bottom sprouting trays, but when you are doing the rinsing and draining bit, just swish, swish, swish, and in a few days, you will have A TRAY FILLED WITH SPROUTS (kind of like what happens in the mason jars), but they won't be clumped together. They will have all sprouted nice and plump, and by swishing and swishing, (this is during the rinsing period, when I just immerse the sprout tray in a big bowl of water, and the water fills up in the tray, and I take my fingers and just swish swish swish), well, the sprouts get their drink, and then I simply lift up the tray, set it to drain on my dish rack, and when the water is sufficiently out of the tray, simply put the tray and it's cover right back on my shelf.

You have no idea how simple this little trick is. It makes sprouting ever so much easier and more fun. I have completely eliminated the mason jars, and tilting and tapping and I have eliminated the need to bring the trays over to the sink and open the faucet and holding the trays under the water.

Simply fill a big bowl with water, place the sprouting tray inside this bowl, take your hands, swish swish, and lift out the sprouting tray.

What on earth could be simpler??

The sprouts love this.

I'll post some tips on greening at a later date.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Great Tip on rinsing and draining

Hi everyone:

Here's a really good sprouting tip!!

I discovered something VERY INTERESTING THIS MORNING. I found an even easier method of rinsing and draining. I know you mist by the windowsill (I used to do this but for me it didn't do the trick (maybe because I used the green sprouting trays). All I got was wilted sprouts.

So, as you know, I now use the steamers and for a few days before they go into the steamers, I use colanders.

Well, this morning I had 6 colanders of microgreens (one day old), and two green trays of fenugreek (2 days old). So usually, I would go over to the kitchen sink, hold the colander or green tray under the running water, take my hands, move the sprouts around, and then plop them on the big home-made drain board that sits behind the sink.


So I filled a bowl with water, and in 5 seconds flat, I had dunked ALL my colanders and green trays and placed them on the drainboard.

I said "wow, how fast was this.?" All the sprouts got a good drink, and now they are draining nicely. I will then put them back on the shelves and cover them up.

what do you think? I see no reason how this system would not work. It's extremely fast, the sprouts don't go anywhere, you don't lose any sprouts in the sink or bowl that's filled with water.

I just take the colander with the sprouts inside the, dunk them for a few seconds until I know they have a good drink, and pick up the colander.

I do this with them all. Just imagine all the water I saved? No running water, the SAME WATER IS USED TO GIVE ALL OF THE SPROUTS A NICE DRINK!!!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Have fun with Sprouting!!!

Hi All!

I discovered sprouting about 18 months ago and I am learning more every day. I sprout Broccoli, Radish, Alfalfa, Fenugreek, Lentils, and just about anything that can be sprouted.

Of course I only use organic seeds which I purchase on the internet. You have no idea how healthy sprouting is and how much fun. The secret to good sprouting is HOW YOU SPROUT THE SEEDS!!

I have used mason jars, professional sprouting trays and I've even built my own sprouting trays.

They all worked just fine but the main part is rinsing and draining. With mason jars being so heavy, and breakable, well I have found the magic solution. At least it works perfectly for me.

I use vegetable steamers. Those collapsible steamers that when you close them up, they look like accordions.

I have various sizes and they work just fine. I have made several videos on sprouting. My latest videos show how I sprout using the steamers. Here's a link to these videos.

After viewing this video, just look to the right and you'll see a link to my previous sprouting videos. I learn new things every single day.

If I get any new sprouting tips, I'll post them here.

Sprouting is fun, healthy and most of all ......CHEAP!!

